11 January, 2011


Bulleted Takeaways from David Schwartz’s book, “The Magic of Thinking Big”


Win success by believing you can.
  • Feed every thought that you know you can get it done.
  • If you don’t believe you can get it done, you won’t.
Defeat disbelief and the negative power it creates.
  • Those who believe they can move mountains do. Those who believe they can’t, won’t.
  • Belief triggers the power to do.
Vaccinate yourself against excusitis, the failure disease.
  • There is always an excuse to be had.
  • Give in to excusitis only if you are looking for a reason to blame poor results.
  • An honest assessment is not only refreshing but, it is critical to success.
Discover why your thinking power is more important than mere intelligence.
  • The thinking that guides your intelligence is more important than how much intelligence you may have.
Use the action technique to cure fear and build confidence. (Action cures fear!)
• Add value to things, people, and yourself.
  • Look for ideas to make things more valuable.
  • Add value to your subordinates and bring them up.
  • Make yourself more valuable daily.
Fight mind-freezing traditional thinking.
  • Average people resent progress.
  • There is no one best way to do any one thing.
  • If we let tradition freeze in our brains, there will be no room for new ideas to sprout.
  • A traditional minded person laughs at a new idea out of hand without asking for more information.
Upgrade your thinking. Think like important people think.
  • Upgrading your thinking upgrades your actions which leads to success.
Prevent small people from holding you back.
  • People who tell you it cannot be done are almost always unsuccessful people, strictly average, or mediocre at best in terms of accomplishment.
  • Beware: Their opinions may be poisonous.
Become more likeable by making yourself “lighter to lift.”
  • Make it easier to be promoted by being an enjoyable person to be around.
Win friends by practicing conversation generosity.
  • The person who does the most talking and the person who is the most successful is rarely the same person.
Discover that defeat is nothing more than a state of mind.

• Think progress, believe in progress, push for progress.
  • Think improvement and high standards in everything you do.