10 January, 2011


Facebook Shutting Down Rumor

                 A report from the “Weekly World News” had Facebook users panicking. The “Weekly World News” isn’t necessarily known for its reporting. The same day the rumor was started, the website also featured a story in which aliens were set to attack Earth in 2011. 

Another article was entitled “Mike Tyson Pigeon Fetish.”
The “Weekly World News” formed their position based on a recent comment by Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg.
On Saturday, Zuckerberg said a press conference, “Facebook has gotten out of control and the stress of managing this company has ruined my life.”
As such, according to the esteemed “Weekly World News,” Facebook will shut down because Zuckerberg is too stressed out.

Facebook will not likely be shutting down anytime soon. A team at Goldman Sachs valued the company at around $50 billion as of a few weeks ago. Facebook represents the largest start-up tech offering in history.
It is home to millions of users, most of who log into the site on a regular basis.
Facebook users expressed their panic on Twitter, tweeting about what would happen to their pictures. 

One Twitter user questioned how he would remember anyone’s birthday if Facebook shutdown. Groups even emerged on Facebook protesting the site’s shutdown. Luckily, for everyone’s social lives, this was just a false alarm.