30 November, 2010


Fuhhh... akhirnya setelah 2 hari exam Jounin, berjaya jga lulus dengan cemerlang la kunun hehehe

Exam pertama ni Hand Seal, mcm yg holloween tu dlu la..

yang ke dua ni susah la skit psal kna lawan sorang2 d mnara, bnyak boss2 yg sandi...

last2 dia kena la lawan diri kita plak sndri, xtau la knapa diri sndiri lawan..nsb bek dia tda pet.. fuhh..

 exam yg ke tiga yang tersandi dimana korang perlu kawal ketiga-tiga rakan korang tnpa ada 1 pun yg mati...
kos suma scrol ada 24 habis,

muhahaha tinggal last lagi...
Ni la last exam dia...

yg ni lawan orochi... heran napa nyawa dia msih ada sparuh tp da menang, rupanya ada lagi mo lawan.. jumlah scroll tetap 20 jga.. habis duit sda
ni la penghabisan dia!! yeah!!!!!

28 November, 2010


 yeaaaah hari ni dapat kalah kan 3 monster lvl 10, lvl 20, lvl 25!!!

 ni 1st monster yg sya lawan... dlu2 masa sy lvl 15 dia ks ayam2 sya la kan skrg ko rasa la muhahaha!!!!

Ni plak makluk yg pling sya benci pasal susah2 kasi kurang nyawa dia, pndai2 plak dia tmbah nyawa blik.. huh tp mati jga la ko di tgn sy muhahahahah kotoh kotoh!!!!

 ni monster 1st lawan trus dia mati d tangan aku hua3 bungulism btul la dia ni senang2 ja mati...

My New Custom

Ni custom hack, kawan dari indon yg tolong hack tuk sya hehe makasih Rico Krenz!!

27 November, 2010

Hahahaha Bungulizm

1 lg kebanggan bagi rakyat Russia

 Rasa2 klau nk pindah 1 kampung, booking la kapal ni pasal ni 3x padang bola sepak besar dia..
 kapal ni dari Russia yang mana zaman nenek moyang kita lagi ada kapal ni bertujuan tuk bawa keta kebal 5~10 biji, pada pada zaman tu nenek moyang kita masih lg membajak sawah, dorang suda buat kapal.. huhuhu
ni la KREN yg paling besar skali dan mampu pindah kapal laut paling besar pigi laut..

Ni la target ku nanti klau ada kesempatan

The mysterious Tower of the Devil, known as Devils Tower, is located in northeastern Wyoming in the United States. Its height is over 1,266 ft., which is comparable with the height of the Empire State Building, which is about 1,250 ft. without the spire. The rock formed about 65 million years ago by volcanic activity, and is unusually shaped in the form of woman’s hips which was the result of erosion of the surrounding soft rock around a strong internal structure. 

mencabar jga ni... mesti target ni pigi sna... rugi owh lau tdak pigi

26 November, 2010

Litar Pintas Berlaku

 Bomba segera datang gna loging dia wlupun jarak stesen bomba ma tmpat kejadian xsampai 300m... tp tahniah la cepat kamu smpai...
 wayar merah yg terbakar
 mungkin la fius dia sot..
keta bomba dtg dengan slumbernya...

Dream Bike

Ni lau bawa pigi kk~keningau mungkin 1/2 jam ja smpai.. huhu bestnya melayang jga la nyawa bawa ni motor.... wa respect lu brader..

Edit Flyers

Ni la 1st band yg sy gmbar.. nma dia Hotlina band, wlupun pic ni xseberapa smart tp sy sda puas hati dengan keja yg sy buat.. harap korang trima la ah hasil keja sy ni hehehe.... skrg da reSign ambek gmbar kt sna.. 
  11.21 a.m 27 nov 2010

this is why i'm single...

I hate talking on the phone; girls love it. I don’t know why, but girls just like to go on and on about their day and the people they work with. It’s always the same bullshit conversation, too. Here’s how a conversation with me goes…
Me (in an irritating tone because I hate being interrupted when I’m trying to learn how to play more Journey on my keyboard): Hello.
Girl: Hey, how’s it going?
Me: Great. I’m always great by the way, you should know this by now, we’re fucking dating, remember? Anyway, how was your day?
Girl: It was so exhausting. I didn’t get like any sleep last night, then I had to wake up to go running this morning and this creepy guy was running way too close to me.
Me: You don’t have to go running, you weigh like 115 pounds.
Girl: YES I DO! I ate like three mini Snickers bars yesterday, and that’s like 2 points.
Me: Who cares, sometimes I eat three regular size Snickers bars in one hour, who gives a shit?
Girl: Blah, blah, bloop, black, bleep, blip, blah, blog, hog, hogwarts, hogwigger, wigger…
That’s pretty much what I hear from that point on. BORING. There is honestly only about three to five minutes worth of conversation in any given day. After that you both just try to think about things to talk about.
2. Girls dump all their friends when they have a boyfriend.
This I just can’t understand. Who else is going to listen to you cry when you had a bad day? NOT ME!
Girls, if you’re sitting there thinking this is bullshit, think about that one friend you USED to have until she met Eric. This puts a huge burden on your relationship. Now, the only person she has to hang out with is you, and you just want to hang out with your friends. At some point you get tired of staring at her “big fucking stupid won’t leave you alone ever for the life of you my god I can’t believe she’s still here why won’t she just go home to use her own shower I didn’t even think she was that good looking I just wanted head now look at me I hate my life and you have no idea” face.
Girls will always lay the biggest guilt trip on you, too. All you want to do is go out with your friends, but then what will she do? She doesn’t really want to go with you, and you sure as shit don’t want her tagging along, but she has no friends anymore so you have to stay home to keep her company. You’ll probably end up watching Dawson’s Creek or something.
3. Girls can’t let things go.
This is by far the worst one. It’s inevitable that I will say something insensitive because I don’t have a sensitive bone in my body. If you ask me a question and expect an honest answer, I’m going to give you one. If you ask me a question and don’t expect an honest answer, I’m still going to give you one.
The bottom line is this: you will get very upset with me at some point, at which time I will try to reason with you. However, instead of thinking logically, you will let emotion blind you as you start to cry. And because I was probably doing something important, like watching re-runs of The A-Team, before you decided we needed to talk about it, I’ll attempt to resolve the conflict immediately by using the age old tactic of apologizing. You will not accept my apology right away and you will tell me that you don’t want to talk to or see me right now.
The next day it’ll be a little awkward but we’ll make up and things will be really good because we will both be relieved that we don’t have the added stress of fighting anymore. At that point you will accept my apology.
Now, normally when somebody accepts an apology, it’s over. Not with girls though. It’s like the fine print on your cell phone contract that binds you to never being able to get out of it, no matter how much your service sucks. Of course nobody ever reads the fine print so you never see it coming.
At some point down the road I will once again say or do something that upsets you and you will throw my previous indiscretions back in my face. Then the issue will be compounded by the newly formed issue and the old ones that you are now mad about all over again. I will then need to apologize for past remarks and doings before you will consider an apology for my latest. BOGUS! An accepted apology is a closed, reinforced, 12-inch thick door that is padlocked and equipped with a fingerprint reader and retinal scanner. There’s no way you’re getting it open again. Not even the most l33t haxor could break in.
If you’re a girl and you haven’t stopped reading this, you’ve kept reading for one of two reasons: One, you think it’s hilarious because it’s true. Or two, you think I’m a sexist, woman hating prick—because deep down, you know it’s true.

25 November, 2010

MyFirst Investment (Fokus A)

mulanya rasa ragu2 dn tak yakin tp bla melihat stuktur langkahnya ada sedikit keyakinan tambahan lagi ia bermula dari sabah, kenapa tidak kita support SABAH.. jangan biar org negeri lain rebut.. tambahan lg ni merupakan dari kerajaan dalam bidang sistem pendidikan.

ni la logo creative dreams
dan website dia www.focusa.com.my/

main ninja saga

mulanya game ni mcm boring tp bla main best plak psal ada aksi2 mcm naruto hehehe
ni la profile aku sekarang..
ni pet aku nmanya keiko.. harap dpat gamabunta tp ni ja la yg ada mahal jga ni 400token  lau bli cash rm300.

My Friend yg Main Ninja Saga.... 45% dari indon

1 sebutan banyak makna...

Bahasa Cina Sukar tuk pelajari buat masa pendek sebab.....

23 November, 2010

my new pet : Keiko !!! 24/11/2010

setelah sebulan lebih kumpul token ninja saga baru dpt bli pet dia... fuh mahal gila jga binatang ni tp atas kesabaran ku dpt jga membeli binatang ini!! tahniah buat aku!!

21 November, 2010



kupu-kupu d sana manja sangat hingga tidak rasa gentar medekati manusia...
 ada siput laut d tgh2 HUTAN??!! ajaib sungguh

 lipan hutan warna merah, lipan rumah warna hitam
 pisang liar
 ulat bulu..
pemuda yg terjatuh dari kareta..
Sejarah Gua Laing
Gua Laing telah wujud sejak lima belas ribu tahun dahulu. Mengikut legenda, Gua Laing telah dibina oleh Dewi Kayangan. Seorang dusun kujau yang bernama Laing telah menjumpai gua sedang dibina oleh Dewi Kayangan semasa beliau memburu binatang untuk makanan di hutan dengan menggunakan alat buruan seperti parang (machete) dan bujak (spear). Laing telah bertembung dengan seorang wanita yang cantik sedang menebang kayu.
Laing terus bertanya kepada wanita cantik tersebut "Siapa kamu dan apa yang kau sedang buat?". Wanita cantik menjawab "Kami adalah Dewi Kayangan dan sedang membuat rumah cantik untuk manusia bertukar kulit (dalam bahasa dusun MEMALUS) khusus untuk orang-orang tidak berdosa, bagi orang-orang yang berdosa kalau masuk ke rumah ini, mereka tidak dapat kembali kerena dihukum."
Dewi Kayangan menjadikan Sungai Lomos sebagai empangan serta lubuk untuk tempat bermandi mandi sebelum masuk ke dalam gua dan selepas. Selain itu, sebuah sulap juga dibina di bukit yang dipanggil "MINITINDUK" untuk Dewi Kayangan bersembang sambil meminum tapai (local brew) semasa membina rumah tersebut.
Dewi Kayangan memesan kepada Laing agar kembali pada hari ke-7. Walau bagaimanapun, kerana tidak sabah menunggu, hari ke-6 Laing kembali ke tempat tersebut, maka marahlah Dewi Kayangan kerana engkar pesanan mereka lalu Dewi Kayangan dengan marahnya menebang tiang rumah tersebut dengan sekali hayun sahaja lalu langit menjadi gelap dan hujan lebat serta petir menyebabkan rumah yang belum siap dibina serta anjing dan peralatan dapur semua menjadi batu. Batu tersebut hingga hari ini masih ada yang dinamakan GUA LAING.

jalan-jalan cari gambar...

 chamber baru dengan hasil daripada tangkap gambar.. sapa bilang tangkap gambar ni teda untung?? huh di sana la kamu silap..
 D.I.Y tuk flash lense.. hehe saja tuk buat gambaran mikro...
 ni nama dia MulAiman, anak buah yg pertama...
 D.I.Y ring flash.. sesuai tuk mikro.. bukan untuk di beli.. sendiri buat la..LOL
 Rambut baru si kawan hua3 genji keningau menyarang!!!
cewek2 dari kompeni toyota.. seksi owh..